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    Catalog Number: orb611222

    DispatchUsually dispatched within 5-10 working days
    $ 813.00
    Catalog Numberorb611222
    DescriptionAminoallyl-dUTP-XX-643 is recommended for direct enzymatic labeling of DNA/cDNA e.g. by PCR and Nick Translation. It is incor-porated as substitute for its natural counterpart dTTP. The resulting Dye-labeled DNA/cDNA probes are ideally suited for fluorescence hybridization applications such as FISH or microarray-based gene expression profiling. Optimal substrate properties and thus labeling efficiency is ensured by an optimized linker attached to the C5 position of uridine. ATTO 643 is a hydrophilic dye with excellent photostability compared to fluorescein. Recommended Aminoallyl-dUTP-XX-643/dTTP ratio for PCR and Nick Translation: 20-30% Aminoallyl-dUTP-XX-643/80-70% dTTP.
    Concentration1.0 mM-1.1 mM
    Form/Appearancefiltered solution (30 kDa) in 10 mM Tris-HCl; Color: blue; pH: 7.5 ± 0.5
    Purity≥ 95% (HPLC)
    MWTheoretical MW: 1567.90 g/mol (free acid)
    FormulaC24H41N5O16P3-ATTO 643
    Storagestore at -20 °C
    NoteFor research use only
    Application notesIncorporation into DNA/cDNA by: PCR with Taqpolymerasein-house data; Nick Translation with DNAse I/DNA Polymerase Iin-house data. < br>< b>Spectroscopic Propertie: λexc 643 nm, λem 665 nm, ε 150.0 L mmol-1 cm-1 (Tris-HCl pH 7.5).
    Expiration Date12 months from date of receipt.
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